Honeycutt, A. and Schmitz, T., 2015, The Extended Milling Bifurcation Diagram, Procedia Manufacturing, 1: 466-476.

Chang, K., Chaudhuri, A., Rue, J.,  Haftka, R., and Ifju, P., Tyler, C., Ganguly, V., Schmitz, T., 2015, Improving the Fabrication Process of Micro-air-vehicle Flapping Wings, AIAA Journal, 53/10: 3039-3048, doi: 10.2514/1.J053884.

Schmitz, T., 2015, Investigation of Retention Knob Geometry on Machining Dynamics, Procedia Manufacturing, 1: 578-583.

Kolar, P., Fojtu, P, and Schmitz, T., 2015, On Cutting Force Coefficient Model with Respect to Tool Geometry and Tool Wear, Procedia Manufacturing, 1: 708-720.

Schmitz, T., 2015, The Microphone Feedback Analogy for Chatter in Machining, Shock and Vibration, 2015, 2015: 976819, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/976819.

Hupman, A., Abbas, A., and Schmitz, T., 2015, Incentives Versus Value in Manufacturing Systems: An Application to High-Speed Milling, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36:20-26, doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2015.02.004.

Tyler, C., Troutman, J., and Schmitz, T., 2015, Radial Depth of Cut Stability Lobe Diagrams with Process Damping Effects, Precision Engineering, 40: 318-324, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2014.11.004.